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wThursday, February 26, 2004

This morning we received THE CALL. The call that said that Dave wasn't going to be able to spend time with his grandmother this weekend, as we hoped. The call that meant that all the arrangements with home health care workers and hospital bed delivery wasn't necessary. The call that means we have to pack up and get our butts to New Jersey. She's gone.

This week Dave and I have talked a lot about death. We realized that his grandmother got to go the way I think most people want to. She was ninety-one and her husband and most of her friends had gone on before her. She was mentally alert and aware of what was going on and had total control of the situation. She was among her family and not in pain. And, unlike most people, she was ready for it to happen. It's comforting to know that that this is what she wanted.

posted by nea at 7:20 AM

wWednesday, February 18, 2004

Yay rain! Yay retroactive raises that go back to January 1st!

Today was a good day.

posted by nea at 10:08 PM

wSunday, February 15, 2004

Looks like I need to do some more traveling. However, between house stuff, taxes, and going to weddings, I don't think that's happening this year.

create your own visited states map

create your own visited country map

posted by nea at 10:29 AM

wSunday, February 01, 2004


I just happened to have Atkins wrap at Subway today.

posted by nea at 7:11 PM