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wSunday, January 25, 2004

We have moved! The move went really well. We hired a moving company with holiday money from my dad and stepmom, which made life SO much easier. We got the house Wednesday night, though when we came over at 6:30 (the house was officially ours at 6), the family we bought it from was still frantically packing. They left a lot of random stuff, some of which we really appreciate (ladder, fireplace tools, hose) and some of which we really didn't need (a slinky bathrobe, dogbed, dirt, dirt, doghair, and more dirt). The funniest part is that they left all of the dog stuff, including the food, bowls, bed, brush, and beware of dog signs. We've been joking that we have an invisible dog named Ghost.

As of today, we have finished doing the room painting. I'm going to have to do a lot of touchup work in the rooms we didn't paint, but at least the main stuff is done. The dark purple wall in the guest room, after three coats of paint, is finally gone. The office turned out really nice as well. We have a lot of unpacking and furniture moving to do, but so far everything is going really well. Dave and I will put up pictures when the house looks like habitable.

posted by nea at 10:04 PM

wThursday, January 15, 2004

I have long had a theory that most "health" bars (power bars, cliff, luna, balance, etc.) were just candy bars trying to package themselves as something more.

I have finally found the missing link: Snickers Marathon bar. Snickers now has a power bar.

posted by nea at 10:30 PM

wSaturday, January 10, 2004

I like packing, but it can be a bit overwhelming at times. Dave, my mom, and I packed about fifty boxes of stuff today. Books, games, a lot of the kitchen . . . it's amazing how much crap you can store in cabinets and bookcases. We got a lot done today, which is good. We're planning on having a heavy packing session Saturday and Sunday of next weekend and then we should be all ready. Yay house!

posted by nea at 8:12 PM

wTuesday, January 06, 2004

After the craziness of December, January is dead at work. I had three phone calls today, all of whom were returning voice mails. No letters. No urgent business. I guess it's time to stir up some of the old audits. It's always fun to send out letters to people we haven't contacted in over a year and see what happens.

Also, January means back to dieting. whee!

posted by nea at 8:12 PM